Monday, January 17, 2011

Pre Marital & Post Marriage, Family Wellness Parenting, Children Awareness & Relationship @ DIVINE MARRIAGE & FAMILY GUIDE

 Divine Family Guide 

PRE MARITAL & POST MARRIAGE - Relationship, Life Planning, Conflict Solution @ Divine Marriage Guide
Divine Marriage Life Guide, maha yogi life trust academy, guruji satya pranava yogi, Successful, formula, NO WHERE TO NOW HERE, Amazing gift, You Can, You Will, unique, cosmic mirror, foundation values, life awareness, join, wonderful, cosmos
Marriage fulfills the purpose of worldly life and decides overall life happiness. If one could not understand his parents and family even after 25 years, then how can he understand life partner in short time. Visit us immediately to know what is real love and life awareness and lead a prosperous and adorable life. Act Right Now! Receive Your Life Transforming Gift


For more details about Our Life Transforming Programs, Workshops, One to One Life Guide, Life Care Programs etc
please click here!
 Real love never and ever hurts. Learning life basics in advance will prevent painful situations in future relationship. Learn & have everlasting wonderful relationship

'Pre marital and post marriage life awareness' (pleasant life) is the life time gift that one should avail at THE first chance itself. Share this knowledge & receive THE blessings. 

..Grand Master ..Satya Pranava Yogi..
II. Parenting

Parenting, New Born, Children, Awareness, Relationship, Happy Home @ Holistic Life Guide
Parenting, Childrens Relationship, maha yogi life trust academy, guruji satya pranava yogi, mission, Wellness, Supreme Holistic Life Guide programs, Ages, Situations, cosmic mirror, we care, yoga, ultimate life guide, workshop, awareness, healing, positive , events
Life is not what we think as it is beyond our control, Of course we can still be with it only if we know "the life art". A mother gives birth to godly child and even she aware about it but could not make the child understand her feelings properly even after so many years. We are living in a Maya World, parents must learn life guidance & protection system. Without Life Awareness there is nothing in this life. Love to learn the "life designs", now, right now.


For more details about Our Life Transforming Programs, Workshops, One to One Life Guide, Life Care Programs etc
please click here!
 If parents really love their children they must come one to one with their ultimate soul guide to lead their life successfully.

'Parents loving their children heart fully',
if it is a true statement then all children born as god would have continued in the same state forever. Only by knowing spiritual heart one can understand and guide their real heart (children).  
..Grand Master ..Satya Pranava Yogi..

Understanding Children Protection, Wellness, Success, the Real Gift of Your Life @ Children Life Guide
Understanding Childrens, maha yogi life trust academy, guruji satya pranava yogi, Holistic self, essence, physical, mental, intellectual, financial, environmental, social, spiritual wellness, health, wealth, happiness, lifestyle, success, photo logo
If any one really wants to love their children forever, then they must attend this program without fail! Normally parents are compelled to spend around 10 - 12 hours for office, 8 hours for sleep, 3 hours for personal needs and finally left with 1 hour for children. There is much more to know about children life.

What as a parent we know about life is very little, so learn the "HEART OF LOVING" & "KNACK OF LIVING". NO WHERE TO NOW HERE. Never & ever miss this opportunity of your life time. Contact now & transform for ever.


For more details about Our Life Transforming Programs, Workshops, One to One Life Guide, Life Care Programs etc
please click here!
 If the parents are truthfully aware about their life duty then, they will learn the foremost skill that is children psychology. This path only can really lead their children to a wonderful future. In today's ever changing modern world creating overall life awareness is the most
precious godly gift.  
..Grand Master ..Satya Pranava Yogi..

Friendship, the essence of life, life guide, real love, caring mentor, soulful counselor, life director @ Divine Friend
Blissful Friendship, a wonderful program, maha yogi life trust academy, guruji satya pranava yogi, Events, workshops, retreats, programs, holistic guidance, divine healing, mentor, courses, stress, remedies, solutions, interactive, counseling, photo, logo
The most important aspect of life is friendship. Whoever has good friends can be called a blessed soul, because a good friendship really transforms life to the greatest height.

Everyone must attend this program to find a great friend within self, home, and outside the home. Know the art (heart) of friendship and find friends within close relations.


For more details about Our Life Transforming Programs, Workshops, One to One Life Guide, Life Care Programs etc
please click here!
Learn the real friendship from the DIVINE FRIEND and find friends everywhere!  
..Grand Master ..Satya Pranava Yogi..

Wonderful Relationship within Family, Creating Positive Blessings @ Holy Family Guide
Blissful Friendship, a wonderful program, maha yogi life trust academy, guruji satya pranava yogi, Events, workshops, retreats, programs, holistic guidance, divine healing, mentor, courses, stress, remedies, solutions, interactive, counseling, photo, logo
When one know the real meaning of life and system to apply every moment of life then they will enjoy a wonderful relationship. Learn to love, now, right now! Learn the life transforming system from holy family guide. No procrastination, it is your wonderful life.

You Can & You Will !


For more details about Our Life Transforming Programs, Workshops, One to One Life Guide, Life Care Programs etc
please click here!
It is not how much you love your self and YOUR loved ones, But what you know about "love" that is very important. Know love and become love.
"Real gift to your SELF & Your Family"  
..Grand Master ..Satya Pranava Yogi.. 

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