
Maha yogi Life Trust Academy

Events / Programs / Workshops / Retreats / Awareness Sessions, Talk Shows List

Events, Programs for Wellness, Pranams to the universal Masters, maha yogi life trust academy, guruji satya pranava yogi, Successful, formula, NO WHERE TO NOW HERE, Amazing gift, You Can, You Will, unique, cosmic mirror, foundation values, life awareness, join, wonderful, cosmos

* "Understanding Children Psychology - A Divine Gift to Parents" an Interactive Program

* Listen to Child's inner voice & create wonderful life.
"Womb stage awareness" - Ultimate gift to become a divine mother

* "Children all age awareness program" - parents greatest gift of life time.

* "Parents - Children supreme Awareness Guide" for all time happiness!

* "Youngsters divine friend" the ultimate life guide to protect direct and lead towards a wonderful life

* "Elder Parents – Children" Pleasant life forever! Program of your life time! Please recommend to all your friends for their wonderful life.

* "How to prepare & succeed in Examination" Success guidance & stress buster Tips for Students

* "Master the Mind, and become a Master Mind" One to One Program for Peaceful Life.

* "Relationship Management – Within self, family, office & society. Wonderful Gift for overall Success in Life"

* "SHIV-SHAKTHI – A Happy Married Life for All" A Divine Program can change the overall after Marriage Life.

* "Understanding Family – Happy Family" A Perfect Program for Successful People.

* "Holistic Stress Management" conducted by Grand Master Satya Pranava Yogi. A Renowned Holistic Life Guide!

* "Anger Control Holistic Techniques & Healing System" All must avail the benefit of this wellness program.

* "Holistic Family Guide" - The System that leads to Everlasting Happiness in Family Life at All times.

* "Do we really LOVE our self?" Open up, regain your hidden SHAKTHI Workshop for overall wellness.

* "Divine Awareness for Happy Married Life"– The Excellent Program for Every Family before & after marriage awareness for Excellence.

* "Parents godly Gift" - A one and only life awareness program, for real transformation within your family. One to one divine workshop for magnificent relationship with your children!

* "How to Lead Happy Material & Blissful Mystical Life"? Spiritual program for high spirited real self.

* The Ananda of 'RADHA KRISHNA' Pre marital & Post Marriage Divine Program

The one and only Awareness state for Real Relationship and Life Transformation. All must recommend such programs to all, if they really want them to lead happy life whom they love.


This Workshop on 'Value Based Life for children' is the need of the hour. The 'Real Life Guide' is a Treat to your Children for their Wonderful Life. This Program creates awareness about overall life and helps to protect from the Maya of this modern world. This program will guide your children to achieve personal goals and self protection techniques to attain their Life Goal. Must for all ages

* Realize Your Authentic Divine Energy – Bring out your best & show your greatness to the rest. 'One to One Program'

* Realize Your Authentic Divine Energy – Bring out your best & show your greatness to the rest. 'One to One Program'

* "Workshop on Value Based Life Guide"- A Treat for all ages for their Successful & Blissful Life.


* "Soul Healing" - The Graceful & Blissful Divine Energy Healing Program to create wonderful energy around the family.

* The Graceful & Blissful Divine Energy Healing Workshop for Overall Wellness

* "Good Health, Healing & Wellness" workshop for all age groups to lead a great life

* "Holistic Power Healing Workshop to Protect from Energy Vampires" Unique Self Healing Program for Overall Wellness

* "Laughter Therapy" The Divine Nectar of Life! lead to excellent energy all over

* Overall Health Awareness, Mental Wellness and Holistic Healing and Self Care Practices for Healthy Transformation.

* Learn to be in Continuous Awareness & Rejuvenate Yourself to Lead pleasant Life.

* "Interactive Life Awareness Program for Overall Wellness" all life questions are answered in a simple terms to lead the life simply.

* "Meditation Cosmic Temple" Dhyan for Self Realization and Blissful Life! No where to Now here! "See your real self"

* Divine Life Guidance to make "2011 NEW Year Resolution" comes true. Guruji's Yogam is a wonderful treat for starting a new year in a grand way.


Know more about Our Life Transforming Life guidance & Programs